January 14th, 2024

Took a proper nap after work today, and I was still tired for a bit. Whatever, I still felt better than I have without the nap taking, so I'm gonna keep doing it.

I'm towards the end of the Endfield story. There are some endgame activities but it seems like the story ends around level 50. I am at the last step of the tech tree, which involves grinding oriron down into powder, grinding that down even finer, turning that into D32 steel, and using that steel to make parts. Oriron isn't even a component of D32 steel in Arknights and the sprite in game looks more like a blue RMA70-12, but who really cares how much it hurts my brain. I'm not looking forward to mass producing the tier 3 medicine though, because I had to majorly scale up my production of krystalite fibers just to run two filling stations to make the tier 1 version. And I just remembered that I also need to grind down the medicinal powder even finer to make the tier 3 medicine. This might suck. At least sandleaf grinds down into Way Too Much sandleaf powder.